A Secret Shared with three soon will no secret be. Have you ever heard that old saying? Here’s another: A secret shared with two may prove to be a help to you. There are many exceptions to both of those adages. The point is, if you have a problem, don’t keep the problem to yourself. A […]
A Guest For Coffee
A redbird (to this southerner, a cardinal is a redbird) is on my neighbor’s wet lawn. Not finding what he is looking for there, he flies across the street to my yard. He’s so beautiful–bright and flambuoyant. I ask the Lord to protect him from cats. It’s okay to pray for redbirds, isn’t it? […]
When the Long Ago Suddenly Reappears
·Is the past really the past or does it reappear now and then? I saw one of my old college professors the other day, even though he has been dead a good number of years. Now, before you think I’ve gone completely round the bend, let me explain. Actually, I didn’t see him but I […]
Grandma Blessings Through the Years
·A lot of blessings come along with being a grandma. The biggest blessing is grandchildren–those little guys and gals who remind us of our own children when they were that age. Grandmas have time to listen to what happened at school and they don’t scold when an exuberant grandchild runs through the house. Grandmas admire works of […]
Oh! My Stars and Garters!
·Oh, my stars and garters! Would you believe it is three degrees? Here in NWArkansas, it is Cold. Nemo and I fed and watered the birds. When I stepped on the deck, a floor board popped like a shot. I guess it was in a frozen state and resented being walked on. Today, I plan […]
A Christmas Blessing
Does it seem to you that a quiet type of peace and joy radiate from our hearts at Christmastime? With all the rush and hurry, suddenly Christmas is here and we pause to reflect on the Baby born so long ago in Bethlehem. Snow still outlines the eaves and snugs up against tree trunks–just wisps […]