The storm arose suddenly. Waves tossed the small ship, wind battered it, and each second, the men on board feared they would be dumped into the angry sea. However, one among them was not concerned. He slept peacefully while lightning flashed, thunder crashed, and the sea roared. Of course, his friends woke Him. They asked […]
Holding Up Our Hands
·“But you, be strong and do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded!” (2 Chronicles 15:7 NKJV) What an encouragement when I was reading Scripture yesterday morning! At times, I wonder why I write. The rewards seem to be mostly intrinsic and, believe me, sometimes I get tired. I am […]
Monday Morning Meanderings
·Sprigs of yellow sunshine, known as forsythia, are announcing to one and all that spring is here. I tend to believe them, at least for now. True to the old saying, March did come in like a lion and it’s going out as meek and mild as a lamb. Of course, a niggling thought slips […]
Family, Friends, and Fiction
·Having a brother is nice. Having two brothers is twice as nice. As I write, I draw upon my brothers’ experiences and knowledge quite a bit. Tracy is a geology major and if I want to know about rock formations that might contain gold or silver, or the kind of rock that is most likely […]
When Days and Nights Are Equal (almost)
·It’s official–winter of 2013-14 is a thing of the past. We are free of the clutches of the cold, the wailing wintry winds, frostbit fingers, tingly toes–aren’t we? Well, maybe. At least, we’ve started a more benevolent season, if we ignore the threat of tornadoes that comes along with spring. One bit of folklore is […]
Wednesday Wanderings
·Tiny Tim used to sing, “Tiptoe Through the Tulips with Me”. I haven’t seen any tulips blooming yet, but I invite you to tiptoe through Wednesday with me. It may be a meandering journey because my mind has a tendency to jump from one thought to another with no connecting links between. Yesterday, I read […]