Willful, Wistful, Wonderful Words

Willful, Wistful, Wonderful Words

I got up this morning thinking about words. A politician on the national scene is in hot water for a word he used a couple of days ago and now he wishes to walk the word back. How do you do that? Many times, I’ve wished I could “walk a word back” but once it’s […]

A Day to Remember

A Day to Remember

Arkansas was hardest hit by the tornadoes that brought death and destruction yesterday. In other states, too, people died and property was destroyed. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of those who were killed. Thankfully, my nephew and his family are safe but many people can’t say that this morning and […]

Blanche’s Birthday Abounds with Blessings

Blanche’s Birthday Abounds with Blessings

Yesterday morning, I picked up the phone and heard four beautiful voices singing,” Happy Birthday to you.” It was Matt, Dawn, Sara, and Nathan, starting my day off right. And, the whole day was like that–full of happy surprises. Phone calls, birthday cards in the mail, email wishes, a visit from Peg (she didn’t know […]

A Little of This and of That

A Little of This and of That

Tiny black intruders have, once again, invaded my kitchen. Black ants do this every spring. I’m not sure why they do. They seem to have no purpose. They dash off in one direction, stop, and run in the opposite direction. They wander here and there, always at top speed, always going somewhere but I don’t […]

A Lesson From the Maple

A Lesson From the Maple

The maple tree by the mail box did an odd thing this year. It kept its brown, dead leaves, all winter long. And, when the maple tree in the back yard began to put out  leaf buds, this one in the front didn’t. Then, a few days ago, during an extra strong wind, that tree […]



I have not seen the movie, “Noah”, nor do I plan to see it. From listening to people who have seen it, I’d say it doesn’t stick to the biblical account of Noah and the Flood. I love reading the story of Noah from the Book of Genesis. I don’t think Hollywood has improved upon the […]