A new year is waiting to make its appearance tomorrow. As we look at 2025, I think an important word is “hope.” We all hope for a better year in every aspect of life. Here in the South, we can’t start the New Year without those all-important black-eyed peas. That particular practice goes back to […]
A Lovely, Ordinary Day
My granddaughter gave me a suncatcher. It is an ordinary pink glass dragonfly with an extraordinarily long tail. At the end of that tail is a small prism. I hung the suncatcher in my window and forgot it was there. Until one day as I was going about my chores, I noticed a rainbow on […]
Walking Home
When my mother was a little girl, she walked to visit friends. When it came time for her to go home, her friend would walk her part way. Then, Mom would turn and walk her friend back. I don’t know how long they kept doing this, but, I’m sure, for two little girls, it was […]
A Blessing
Do you ever wonder about things for which there are no answers? I do. One of the things I wonder about is why don’t I hear that wonderful blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26 repeated over a congregation or a family any more? It would be nice if parents would take the time to bless their […]

Irreplaceable Man of the House
·Joseph must have been a good man, but beyond that, God chose him to be the perfect earthly father for Jesus. Joseph was protective of Mary and her Son. He could have divorced her or “put her away privately” when she told him she was pregnant, but he did neither because he loved Mary. Scripture […]