When a mystery scares the author, its ranking on the fright level goes way up. In places, Moonstruck and Murderous scared even me, its creator. It is not for the faint-hearted. Ned McNeil has a knack for getting into tight places. Some of this is due to her own carelessness or being too trusting; […]

The Altared Wedding
“Della Louise, if you don’t hold still, I swear I’m going to stick you,” I said, trying to pin the pink rose corsage on Della’s silver-colored silk suit. Della giggled. “I probably couldn’t feel it if you did. For goodness sake, I’m not a starry-eyed bride, but I’m so jittery, just as giddy […]

Horses, Paintings, and Nashville
·Yesterday was that special time again–the Cozy Critters gathered for our critique! The paintings at the top are by Carolyn Bayley, who was commissioned to paint them and a few more. So, Carolyn is going to be very busy. She came bringing gifts that few people can give any more–farm-fresh eggs. Carolyn lives on a […]

When Words Fail Me
When I have nothing to say, I probably should say nothing. Which is the way I feel this morning. Maybe the actual truth is I have too much to say and saying it would be disorganized, jumbled, and not hold together at all. The dog walker just went up the hill, walking a dog […]

Friends and Cherished Memories
·What would Christmas be without friends? Old friends dropping in, new friends recently made, memories of friends gone by. Some of my oldest friends stay hidden deep within the recesses of boxes all year but come out once again, every Christmas. Amazingly, they didn’t always look as they do now. But, we all change with […]