A Hedgehog or a Turtle Day?

A Hedgehog or a Turtle Day?

Among the gifts my children gave me at Christmas was this happy little hedgehog. He sits atop my computer and looks on with interest as I type the current suspenseful scene in By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. This hedgehog is more than he seems at first glance. He reverses, and becomes a turtle. […]

Guest Author Evelyn Cullet

Guest Author Evelyn Cullet

I am pleased and honored this morning to present guest author Evelyn Cullet. I was privileged to be guest author on Evelyn’s blog last week. Her author bio and why she is a writer are most interesting. Guess what? Some of her favorite authors are my favorite authors too, and I’ll bet they are yours. […]

Danger from Below

Danger from Below

For small birds and animals, danger lurks below them and above them. Caution and alertness are the watchwords of their day. As I glanced out my window a couple of days ago, I blinked and looked again. Under the bird feeder sat a hawk. He just sat on the ground, looking all around him, hooked beak […]

Peeling Back the Layers of Time

Peeling Back the Layers of Time

Those of us fascinated by history like to peel back the layers of time. Year by year, century by century, people live, die, buildings are built and then fall victim to a disaster or, by chance, survive. Going forward, we add to the layers of history but going backward, ah! There is the fascination. I haven’t […]

Beautiful, Cold, Deep Freeze Sort of Day

Beautiful, Cold, Deep Freeze Sort of Day

We are in a deep freeze in NW Arkansas. The snow arrived last night; not much of it in this part of the state, but more elsewhere. When I looked, the temperature was eleven degrees, but it may have dropped lower by now. Streets are slick and hazardous and schools are closed. This is the […]

Awaiting the Snow

Awaiting the Snow

My iPad weather predictor says, “Snow in 90 minutes.” Is it correct? The high today is forecast to be twenty-eight degrees, which is what it is right now. So, I imagine it’ll get colder as the day progresses. A perfect day for switching on the fireplace or lighting the logs, making sure the coffee pot […]