I scooted away from the computer, stretched, and gazed out my window. The Irish Sea pounded against the rocky shore line, far below me. Gulls wheeled and cried and a brisk breeze moved the curtains. It was always a good feeling to finish yet another cozy mystery, a warm feeling, yet a bit lonely. The […]

Love is Where the Heart Is
“That’s where my heart is,” my friend told me softly, her blue eyes shining. She was talking about Little Rock. Her son lived there. I have a feeling if her son had lived in Timbuktu, her heart would have been there with him. Love! It’s the indescribable feeling that makes each day worthwhile and each […]

The Angels We Cannot See
·Do You Believe in Angels? A friend and I were visiting yesterday. She was feeling discouraged and sad because of some things over which she had no control. She was worried but she is a Christian and was reminding herself that God knows her troubles. We all feel overwhelmed sometimes and have no idea which […]

St. Valentine Lives Again
·Happy St. Valentine’s Day! Yes, according to what I’ve read, a priest named St. Valentine actually lived during the third century. He defied the evil emperor Claudius, who forbade his soldiers to marry. Valentine married them anyway and for this, Claudius had him killed. You can read more about it in This Day In History. Yesterday, […]