Yesterday’s wind was a wild and restless thing, blowing clouds across the sky and roaring through the treetops, sounding like a celestial lion. The day was much too warm for March 6, and such weather makes me uneasy. From time immemorial, people have had to watch the sky for their safety during threatening weather. I […]

A Warm, Secure, and Comforting Story
Do you ever just need to retreat to some place warm and secure and comforting? I do. Yesterday, the doctor diagnosed my painful leg as having arthritis. Oh, bother! It was definitely a doughnut kind of day. Now, it is doubtful that refined, white sugar is good for arthritis, but doughnuts are a comfort food, you […]

The Roar of the Lion
·Evidently, March is coming in like a lion. That is, if we count last night and the wee hours of the morning, when the storms were at their worst. If we think of March coming in today during daylight hours, it should be a lot calmer here in Arkansas at least; maybe not so much farther […]

An Eye on the Sky; Both Feet on the Ground
·It’s good to keep an eye on the sky, both literally and figuratively because unexpected danger can strike at any time. I just stepped onto the deck to get a feel for the morning. Rain! That’s the feeling in the air although right now, not a drop is falling. Somewhere in the darkness of trees, […]

Moonlight Can Be Deceitful
·Moonlight lies like a blessing along the roof of the old church, silvering the dark shingles. Like solemn eyes, the windows reflect the still light. Trees, silent sentinels, stand guard over church and cemetery, nodding their heads as a breeze moves among them. Year after year, century after century, the trees watch and listen. Grateful worshipers, happy […]