A second cup of coffee, a warm, morning chat with friends–a good way to start the day. It’s cloudy, dampish, and chilly out and it’s hard to adjust to getting up a whole hour earlier. I wonder how many of us let Daylight Savings Time steal some of the joy from the morning? Sometimes, it […]

Winter’s Merry Last Fling
Actually, I don’t know if it’s the last fling or not, but winter certainly flung around some snow and sleet yesterday. It was such a nice Saturday!A really good rain all morning, lunch with family at a nearby restaurant, then home by the fireplace to read and watch a nature documentary. But, in the early afternoon, […]

Cleaning Out That Attic of Memories
·A friend of mine is getting ready to move to a different location. She is going through everything in her house, deciding what she wants and what she doesn’t want. I don’t think she has an attic, but if she did, she’d be sorting through it, keeping, discarding. Why can’t we do that with memories? Why […]

The Groundhog Made Me Do It
Did you ever say hello to a groundhog? You might try it some time. The results could amaze you. People are always asking me, “Blanche, where do you get your story ideas?” I smile and say, “Oh, here and there, life, news stories, memories, wild imaginings.” But, that’s not actually the truth. I confess here […]

The Many Moods of Moonlight
·Moonlight! That mysterious lantern beaming down at us from above. I can hardly wait for you to see the cover of the newest Ned McNeil mystery coming out this year. I like it! It has, of course, the moon and guess what? There’s a circle around it. Now, we know a circle around the moon […]

Thoughts of My Sister
When the jonquils bloom in the spring, I think of her–my sister Helen. Maybe it’s because of her March birthday, maybe it’s because those first flowers are so welcome after winter and are such a cheerful sight. My sister was a cheerful, upbeat, lovely person. Some people make the world a better place simply by being. […]