A Circle of Friends

A Circle of Friends

I wrote this blog post a couple of years ago, but it’s still true. Since that time, things have changed some. One friend has gone on to Heaven; Fran has moved and Robbi hosts the luncheon friends, the Cozy Critters circle has lost a couple and gained a couple. The circle is truly elastic. Do I […]

A Cat, a House, and a Story

A Cat, a House, and a Story

My name is Penny. I am a cat. I live in a big Victorian house with a woman named Nettie Elizabeth Duncan McNeil. Her friends call her Ned. She’s a nice woman, always makes sure my food dish doesn’t go empty and when she has ice cream, she shares it with me. I like living […]

Gathered Around the Hearthfire

Gathered Around the Hearthfire

My guest blogger this morning is my niece Missy Albrecht. The stories are some my brother Tracy Day told her. They are family stories, handed down from generation to generation. Storytelling is the oldest form of entertainment and also of oral history, often told as families gathered around the hearthfire after a day’s work. I […]

An Amazing Leprechaun Story

An Amazing Leprechaun Story

Warning: Best read with tongue in cheek. An Amazing Leprechaun Story  Some of you may remember that two years ago, I made a trip to Ireland. It was the fulfillment of a lifetime dream. Ireland is a mystical country and, when the mist lies low on the hills and the shamrocks lift their heads along […]

Orange Rolls, Coffee, and Critique

Orange Rolls, Coffee, and Critique

Carolyn’s orange rolls caused quite a stir yesterday as we sat down for our critique. They tasted as good as they looked and, with coffee, were a delicious way to start our discussion. Carolyn wrote a clever poem about them. According to her poem, they involved “rising, punching down, dirtying up a mess of bowls.” […]

Portrait of Cozy Mystery Heroes and Their Readers

Portrait of Cozy Mystery Heroes and Their Readers

Readers of cozy mysteries come in all shapes and sizes. We have much in common, but we have major differences too. Most of us are women, but a few men like to read and even write cozies. Mostly, we are above the age of thirty, but some are younger. However, we all like a good mystery […]