Carolyn loves her farm, but she does not love the buttercups that grow in wild profusion in her pasture. Why? They crowd out the grass and the cows don’t like those tiny yellow flowers that glisten in the sun like freshly churned butter. So, in order for the cows to have nice, nutritious blades of […]

The House I Live In
·Yesterday, as I drove back from Oklahoma, I heard Frank Sinatra sing, The House I Live In. It’s a stirring song about America and many of the things that are right about our country. The song seemed particularly appropriate because I had just driven through some beautiful countryside and was thinking about the beauty of springtime […]

The Bush That Almost Wasn’t
Trees, flowers, bushes all are important and should be cared for, not taken out unless there’s a good reason. Especially those belonging to me! That’s why yesterday’s bush escapade was, while not dramatic, pretty amusing. It was Sunday. I was still in my housecoat when I heard a truck stop out front. Curious about who […]

A Strange and Mysterious Day
The day began in a strange and mysterious way. Before daylight, thunder and rain moved in. A dark, damp world greeted the morning. The house lay still and silent, listening, waiting, wondering. A distant train whistle rose and fell, a mournful, ghostly sound. Inside the house, someone stirred. The coffee pot clicked and purred. Soon, the fragrance of the early morning […]

What An Interesting Character!
·“Character is much easier kept than recovered,” Thomas Paine said. But, what is character? Personality is who people think you are; character is the real you. Character is all your deeply-held beliefs, your goals, your standards, the things that make you laugh or cry; your hates, your loves, your fears, your belief in what is […]