What do bodies in bogs have to do with rain in NW Arkansas or a sleepless writer of cozy mysteries? “Hail likely in eleven minutes,” declared AccuWeather. Thunder draws ever closer. Rain has commenced yet again and I can only hope if hail is an actuality, it isn’t large and damaging. The storm woke me some time […]

The Rumble of an Approaching Storm
·I hear the rumble of an approaching storm in the distance and the wind has picked up. The dog-walker has gone by, getting in her walk before the storm arrives. By the end of the weekend, the weatherman is saying we will have had twelve inches of rain this week. My hope is that people are […]

Loud and Dark and Stormy Morning
Stormy weather and April–they go together like a hat and a glove. Thunder is a continuous roaring in the distance, but a few minutes ago, it was directly overhead. Lightning still shivers and skitters across the wet street and the thunder is undecided about returning, but, yes! I believe another round is approaching. Fireworks for […]

A Long Look at Life
I was glad to wake up this morning and escape from a bad dream. I think the dream was due to the remnants of a book I’m reading plus my own imagination that got together and threw this yucky nightmare into my subconscious, but you know what? The figment of fiction disturbing my sleep was not […]

A Picture Perfect Day
·Yesterday was a picture perfect day if you like April storms, and the rain continues this morning. It’s chilly too–the temperature registers forty-eight degrees. Another fireplace day. According to a report I read, the Illinois River is supposed to reach well over sixteen feet and flood stage is eleven feet. These pictures give a hint […]

Trash Bag Inspiration
This picture is on the wall of my refrigerator. It is an inspiration. I mean, just look at this woman. She is decidedly a ’50s lady, no doubt about it. Look at those pink stretch pants, that teased hair, all the pink in her colorful kitchen. She is who she is and she’s happy with […]