I am so excited to present to you, for the first time ever on this blog, the cover picture for my soon to be released cozy mystery, By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. This follows Moonlight Can Be Murder. If you haven’t yet read this first book in the Ned McNeil series, now’s a […]

Speaking the Language of Yesterday
Don’t you love it when you find someone who speaks the same language as you? I don’t mean language peculiar to any ethnic group, but people who have similar interests and enjoy talking about them. For example, history. I love history! Particularly, I love American history because America is my beloved country and I can […]

Winds of Change: Conclusion
This is the second and final installment of my May 5, 1985 Daily Press article about the tornado which destroyed Peggs, Oklahoma on May 2, 1920. In 1920, Walter Neel lived with his parents, brothers and sisters on the Gid Morgan farm, two and a fourth miles southeast of Peggs. The storm went a mile […]

Winds of Change
·Since it is the 97 year anniversary of the Peggs tornado, and although I re-published it last year at this time, I do so again today. For a time, I wrote feature stories for The Tahlequah Daily Press. On May 5, 1985, The Press published an article I wrote about the tornado that destroyed Peggs, […]

Rains Came Down; Floods Came Up
·Do you remember the song about the man who built his house on a rock? The rains came down and the floods came up, but the house on the rock stood firm. The weather we’ve had for the last few days will test every foundation. Each time I was awake last night, rain was coming down. Not […]