Ah! To be cool! And comfortable! What a glorious feeling. Last evening, the house was cool once more. The air conditioner is fixed. Only a wire had jarred loose from the unit and that was easily replaced. I’m rejoicing this morning. It’s like the old saying, You don’t miss the water till the well runs […]

A Nice, Warm, Old-Fashioned Kind of Day
Yesterday was a warm, old-fashioned kind of day–well, actually, it was hot! And, guess what happened? My air conditioner stopped putting out cool air. This is the third time this summer that it has just given up. Is it old and tired? Is the heat too much for it? Have I not been properly grateful […]

Let Freedom Ring
Not only today but every day, let’s celebrate the freedom we have in this country! What a beautiful country I live in! I love our freedom, the patriots of old and the patriots of new. I am grateful for their sacrifice and for the wisdom of our Founding Fathers. It is a privilege to live […]

If You Don’t Have Anything to Say, Don’t Say It
·If you don’t have anything to say, don’t say it could well be one of Flora Tucker’s maxims. You know the old saying, Still waters run deep. If you are in a crowd and cannot think of one blessed word to contribute to the conversation, just nod sagely, looking wise. Owls have a pretty good reputation […]

Wander Through My Wet World with Me
Yesterday, after church and lunch, my family and I were sitting in the living room when the clouds opened and rain poured. It bounced off the deck, drummed against the roof of Nemo’s house, and gave the already damp flowers yet another drink. (Nemo,of course, lives in my house, but his house is there in […]

What’s With Those Teachers, Anyhow?
A mug of sizzling hot coffee sits on my desk. In the yard, a robin swoops toward the zinnias, a couple of squirrels play tag in my neighbor’s yard. And my thoughts return to olden, golden days, school days–and the teachers who walked in and out of the classrooms of my life. Those teachers were […]