Is there anything more heady and exhilarating than launching a brand new book? Well, sure, I guess there is–the birth of a baby is more exciting. But, is winning the lottery? Having never won that or even tried to,I’d have no idea, but it sounds like fun. Finding that an unknown, rich uncle had died […]

That Little Brown Church
·The Little Brown Church in the Vale was one of my dad’s favorite songs. Each time I hear it, I think of him. If you’d like to hear the Statler Brothers sing it, click on their name. This song always brings memories of a simpler, quieter, more devout time in our nation’s history. I love […]

The Computer, Nemo, and a Mystery
·What is there about this computer that Nemo doesn’t like? To be more specific, why is it, when I sit down to write, Nemo sits down beside me, stares at me, and jabs my leg with his nose until I get up and turn him outside in order to have some peace? Does he know […]

What Strange Sights Did the Moon See?
·The moon, shining down on Granger’s Mansion, saw some strange and puzzling sights. What, for example, was the animal who stopped by one moonlit night to pay Ned McNeil a visit? But, long before that, what were the strange things that went on in the moonlight which were furtive and secret and had an effect […]

That Shivery, Silvery, Spooky Old Moon
What strange and shivery things happen under the light of the silvery moon? What frightful shadows move quickly across the grass only to disappear in the darkness of the trees? Was it only a nightmare or was Ned McNeil in very real danger from something unknown? Sure enough, yesterday the UPS man delivered the […]

An Encouraging Word
·Yesterday, my publisher sent a most encouraging word: watch for the proof of By the Fright of the Silvery Moon to arrive in the mail today. Wow! That’s exciting because the proof will look exactly like the published book will look. Once again, thank you for the pre-orders of the Kindle book on Amazon. You […]