“What is that roar?” Nemo asked, ears perked up, tail at half-mast. “It’s just the FedEx truck,” I told him. “Maybe they’ve brought good news!” Ever alert and watchful, Nemo grumbled as I opened the door and took the box the polite FedEx man handed me. Was it what I thought it was? Tearing into […]

The Time I Wrote a Best-Seller
At times in the past I’ve been told to “lighten up.” Looking back at a couple of posts, I think I need to lighten up again. Put on your whimsy hat and come with me to the land of make believe and The Time I Wrote a Best-Seller. I’ve read lots of cozy […]

We Need People, Don’t We?
It’s safe to say that most people in town are still sleeping this morning because it’s hard to beat rain as a lullaby. And, it’s raining. And dark and cool. Rain–that’s my excuse for posting late. But the Folgers is hot and strong and I have a few things to say. My grandson and I […]

What Does My House Say About Me?
No, I really don’t have conversations with my floors and ceiling, but if it could talk, what would my house say about me? A few years ago, a popular television program aired called If Walls Could Talk. Do you remember that show? It was one of my favorites because old secrets were found tucked away […]

Delicious Supper, Lively Conversation,Tree Frogs
Last night, Matt and Dawn invited me over for supper. Those of you who know my daughter-in-law know that she’s an excellent cook. I gladly accepted, hopped in my SUV, and trundled right over to the younger Manos’s abode. The sky was overcast and rain was in the forecast. “I hear thunder,” I said, as […]

Huge Announcement: New Book Release!
A huge announcement this morning–that long-awaited date has arrived. The latest Ned McNeil cozy mystery, By the Fright of the Silvery Moon is here, released, debuted, launched, and presented! Am I excited? Well, just a tad. You met Ned (Miss Ann always calls her Nettie) in Moonlight Can Be Murder. You went with her into […]