Change Keeps Happening All Around

Change Keeps Happening All Around

Somewhere in the darkness of early morning, a dove calls. The birds are much quieter now than they were this spring. My flowers are a little bit tired. Even without looking at the calendar, I would know that summer is winding down and fall is coming on. Where has the summer gone? What did I […]

Eye-Poppin’ Good News

Eye-Poppin’ Good News

This has never happened before! Not in this way; not so many at one time, but here it is: my publisher, Pen-L Publishing is offering four of my cozy mysteries–count them, that’s more than half of them–for only 99 cents each. Hop on over to Amazon and take a look! Here’s the link: But, folks, […]

Come In, See What’s New

Come In, See What’s New

Do you see anything new on this site this morning? Check the right side where the books are. There it is—By the Fright of the Silvery Moon! Right in there with the other five cozies and it looks comfortably at home. Thanks, webmaster Matt. My yard is wet and soggy this morning but the flowers […]

The Mystery of Milestones and Memories

The Mystery of Milestones and Memories

Do we mark life by the milestones we reach and leave behind us, or by everyday happenings? As we look back at the days, what are the things we remember? This is the first day of school for many children. Will it be memorable? In later years, will the recollections be good or bad or […]

A Chat with a Character

A Chat with a Character

A Chat with a Character Sometimes we readers wonder what our favorite characters are doing behind the scenes, those times between books. This morning, we drop in on the heroine of Moonlight Can Be Murder and By the Fright of the Silvery Moon ,Nettie Elizabeth Duncan McNeil, Ned to her friends (except Miss Ann, who insists […]

The Mystique of a Moist August Morning

The Mystique of a Moist August Morning

A loud crash directly overhead woke me. Thunder! Lightning shivered through my curtains and rain pounded against the windows. Waking up to a thunderstorm is a great way to start the day. But, looking past the moist mystique of a thunderstorm, what will these summer hours hold? Today, I’d like us to discuss looking past. […]