Who is coming today? Why, the Cozy Critters! The coffee pot will be on, the hundred-year old table will be waiting. I look forward to hearing what Jane, Peg, Carolyn, and Nancy have been reading or writing or painting. They will definitely liven up this old house of mine. As I looked at past blog […]

Selling Yourself Short? Stop It!
·Nobody likes a know-it-all, somebody who is quite ready to tell others they are wrong or have forgotten or somehow, just don’t quite measure up. Those people are best steered clear of (and prayed for). But, what if that person who is so critical of myself is me? What if I’m always telling myself and […]

When the Storms of Life Are Raging
·There’s an old song that goes like this, “When the storms of life are raging, stand by me.” The words refer to the emotional, spiritual storms that we all encounter but could also be applied to the violent weather around the globe. In particular this morning, I’m thinking about the people in the path of […]

Penny’s Cat Viewpoint of Frightful Things
·As you know, in By the Fright of the Silvery Moon, Ned acquires a new pet–a dog. But, she already has a cat named Penny. Penny came in Moonlight Can Be Murder. Do the dog and cat get along? Amazingly well. But, what does Penny actually think about Ned’s ability to get into trouble? I […]

A Great Review at Summer’s End
Sometimes something comes along to really lift the spirits and cause the sunshine to be just a tad brighter. That’s what happened yesterday when Deb Forbes posted her review of By the Fright of the Silvery Moon on her blogpost, Mystery Reading Nook. The first thing I noticed when I clicked on http://mysteryreadingnook.blogspot.com was the book Deb […]

Mouse Tracks Around the World
·Recently, I’ve had the honor of traveling around the world. I mean to far-off places I’ve only heard about. You know how? Some friends in Austria and also in India bought my cozy mysteries! With a click of the mouse on their computers, there I was! Now, isn’t that neat? Many other authors have had […]