A Five-Star, Resounding Bibliophile Review

I’m over the moon this morning about an incredibly wonderful review of By the Fright of the Silvery Moon by Bree Herron of Bibliophile Reviews. A book review by Bree Herron is a red-letter happening in the life of the fortunate author. Bree has a fresh, intriguing approach to her impression of the book. She […]

Out of the Clear, Blue Skies, a Surprise!

Out of the Clear, Blue Skies, a Surprise!

Matt sent me this link last night; otherwise, I might not have known about it: http://www.bookseriesinorder.com/blanche-day-manos/ The name of the site is Book Series in Order. What a neat idea! Frightfully intriguing. The site does, indeed, list all six of my cozy mysteries in order of their publication. It summarizes my biography and books.  It’s interesting to […]

A Deadly and Unexpected Discovery

A Deadly and Unexpected Discovery

Grave Heritage was one of my favorite books to write. It is the fourth Darcy and Flora cozy. It opens with a thunderstorm and a visitor who wakens Darcy and Flora in the middle of a night. This scene, A Deadly and Unexpected Discovery, takes place the next morning.  After I checked our empty house […]

The Lovely Gift of Listening

The Lovely Gift of Listening

Listening to someone, really listening and hearing what she says, can be the best gift you can give, and it doesn’t cost a dime, just a bit of your time. Recently, a friend suffered through a traumatic event. She mentioned it in our conversation and I told her how sorry I was and how glad […]

What Lurks in the Dark and Dusty Depths?

What Lurks in the Dark and Dusty Depths?

Reaching into the dark and dusty depths behind the garage shelf, my fingers touched something. Pulling it out, I discovered a tiny, red garden glove that had been Sara’s many years ago. Cleaning out my garage is a dirty job but somebody has to do it and Nemo isn’t volunteering. That leaves–me! So far, about […]

Dear Mary Roberts Rinehart–Thank You

Dear Mary Roberts Rinehart–Thank You

If she were alive today, I’d consider sending her a written thank-you, although why she, the master of mystery, should take note of it, I have no idea. I owe a lot to this lady. Although Miss Rinehart departed this life in 1958, her books are still with us, and I’m grateful for those well-written […]