Here is a puzzle that’s easy to solve; in fact, there’s nothing mysterious about it. What event will come around in 45 more days? It arrives every year, same time. Christmas is just around the corner and I haven’t started my shopping! Have you? How about a book as a gift? Would you like to […]

If You or I Were a Mouse in the House
·If I had been a mouse yesterday, scurrying around my house, I might have heard the chatter of four women who got together over coffee and black-bottom cupcakes around the hundred-year old table in my dining room. If I had been a cat, I would have headed for the cushion in front of the fireplace […]

Those Big Dreams With Wheels
·If you happen to be in Springdale tomorrow at 2:00, pop into the Springdale Library. Nine other authors and I will be giving a reading. And later, we’ll have a question and answer session and you’ll have a chance to browse through many interesting books by about thirty-five authors and buy any that you choose. […]

How About Those Cockles of Your Heart?
·What is it that warms the cockles of your heart, puts a spring in your step, a gleam in your eye and a sense of purpose in your life? What is your dream? Where did it go? We all have something, some desire or hope or goal that keeps us reaching and trying and, when […]

Guesting at Southern Writers Magazine
If there’s an extra lilt to my writing this morning, it’s because my guest blog at Southern Writers Magazine is on this prestigious magazine’s blog page. What did I write about? Snagging the reader’s attention. As a reader, you have a vast sea of books from which to choose. When you pick up a book and […]

The Secret Wisdom of Trees and a Wayward Wind
·In the darkness of early morning, trees nod their heads as a moisture-laden breeze stirs them. Are they whispering secrets? Rain must be moving in. The air certainly feels like it. The sun surely is up there somewhere, hidden behind thick clouds. Will it shine down on NW Arkansas today or keep its counsel in […]