Oh, my stars and garters! Would you believe it is three degrees? Here in NWArkansas, it is Cold. Nemo and I fed and watered the birds. When I stepped on the deck, a floor board popped like a shot. I guess it was in a frozen state and resented being walked on. Today, I plan […]

Whence Cometh Thou, O Brother North Wind?
·As if making up for the warm weather before Christmas, Old Man Winter and Old Brother North Wind have returned with a frigid breath and long, icy fingers. As I looked back at last year’s post, it was cold on this date a year ago too. I was working on By the Fright of the […]

Out With the Trash and Debris
Trash! It does accumulate, doesn’t it? Before we know it, we have caches of stuff that we don’t use any more, but we hold onto it with a feverish grip born of familiarity. Sometimes, we get so used to it we don’t even see it any more; it’s just part of the scenery. Yesterday, I […]

What are You Doing Christmas?
·What are you doing this Christmas? Are you planning a large celebration with family or friends? Do you have a trip in mind? If so, would you like to go to Ireland or Scotland, England or Finland and experience the celebration of a different culture? Perhaps Hawaii or a Caribbean island where it’s warm? Are […]

The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword
·Rain! Yellow leaves on the ground, the brown grass. The remnants of summer flowers are soaking it up, relishing the feel of water. It’s a perfect day for writing that third Ned McNeil cozy mystery. What would you do if you were ready to settle in for a snug time at home (like today or […]