We all have a dream–something that puts a spring in our steps and a gleam in our eyes. Dreams are those wonderful things as filmy as spiders’ webs, as substantial as moonbeams, somewhere ahead of us, calling to us to follow, to pursue, to hope, to reach. We can spin dreams of the straw of […]

Sitting On a Milestone and Considering
·On this cool, early April morning, I’m doing a lot of looking back. I confess it. Sometimes, a person reaches a milestone and just sitting down on it for a rest and a think seems to be in order. I’ve covered a good many miles before reaching this thinking spot–more miles behind than there are […]
My Fascinating Foray into Politics
·This is a re-post of a couple of dreams I had, years ago. I thought they were interesting, but haven’t analyzed them and have no desire to. What made me dream such absurd things? Only my subconscious knows. A few years ago, I went through a period of recording a few of my dreams in […]

Happy Birthday, Mama
Today, April 12 is my mother, Susie Latty Day’s birthday. Mom has been gone for nearly twenty-two years now and there isn’t a day when I don’t miss her. I’d love to sit down at her dining table for just one more cup of coffee, just one more chat. Many times, I wonder what my […]

What Lay Beneath the Moonlight?
·What Lay Beneath the Moonlight? An ancient church, deserted now, lay in a silv’ry light, Keeping watch o’er those who slept throughout the silent night. Did shadows move among the stones, was evil lurking near? Or was it just the moonlight and an old, remembered fear? Secrets lay beneath the soil that none alive now […]

A Brief Glance Back, A Long Look Forward
·This post that I wrote two years ago popped up this morning. As I read it over, I saw that I had just finished Grave Heritage and had not yet written By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. I was looking forward to another two hours with the Cozy Critters. The face of the Cozy […]