FREE BOOK ALERT! Fetch a free By the Fright of the Silvery Moon Kindle here! TELL A FRIEND! Everybody loves a bargain and through June 2, the second book in the Ned McNeil moonlight series is free as a kindle book on Amazon. Be sure to order yours, tell a friend, and enjoy the exploits of […]

Five Fabulous Days of Free Reading
·What do you get when you start with an indomitable, adventuresome heroine who just happens to live in a house with a pretty interesting past, add a deserted church, a legend of an old-time, ruthless outlaw, and plunk the whole thing down in a small, rural town in Oklahoma? You get By the Fright of […]

There’s More To It Than Meets the Eye
·When we hear a news story or someone tells us of a happening, believe me, there’s more to it than what meets the eye. Everyone has a back story, a reason for being where we are and how we got there. Characters in books have back stories too. Before Barbara and I wrote The Cemetery […]

Once Upon a Time, a Few Years ago.
·As I looked back this morning at past posts, I found this one I wrote a number of years ago. My grandchildren were a lot smaller then. I was working on the first Ned McNeil moonlight mystery. Today, I’m working on the third book in that series. So, because it gave me a warm feeling, […]

Planting Those Shadowy Clues
·Sometimes we encounter a mystery that seemingly has no solution, but wait! If you sharpen those bloodhound skills, could you find some clues that would lead you to the inevitable outcome? In cozy mysteries, a great deal of the fun and intrigue is in the foreshadowing or planting of subtle, shadowy clues and hints that […]

Arguing with a Mysterious Voice
·…Well, the voice isn’t really mysterious, but what she’s saying may be thought to be–at least, it is supposed to fit into a cozy mystery and that makes it mysterious, doesn’t it? And, no one else can hear her except me but don’t think I’ve gone round the bend because hearing her is a good […]