Something wet dripped onto my face. Very annoying. Did Mom know her roof leaked? Dad would never have allowed such a thing. My bed must be under a hole in the roof. Strangely, someone somewhere, was groaning. Pain twisted my mid section. Slowly, I raised my heavy hands and felt the seat belt stretched tightly […]
A Mystery and Your Big Toe
·Does your big toe ache when a storm is approaching? Does your cat lick its paws excessively? Does your dog pace the floor and stick close by your side? Do you feel the urge to lose yourself in a cozy mystery? For some strange and unknown reason, mysteries and weather somehow go together. For example, […]
A Stranger at the Gate
I was so lost in thought that I was halfway up my driveway before I noticed a long, black vehicle parked in front of the wrought iron gate. Another visitor? Jackie drove a double cab gray truck and Pat’s car was a small, blue compact. I pulled alongside the shiny SUV, admiring its sleek lines. […]
The Fifties Woman
·She got up from the chair and walked to the mirror. A sagging, lined face topped with frizzy blond hair stared back at her. Old! That’s what the face was telling her. She was an old woman, over the hill, almost ready for the old folks’ home. Sighing, she turned from the mirror and went […]
Murder at the Pastorage
·The weatherman had predicted a beautiful Tuesday and the morning proved him right. Sun shone on snowbanks, sparkling with crystalized jewels. The temperature climbed above freezing and melting snow dripped from trees and the eaves of Rose Chapel’s parsonage. Pastor Williams’ small house sat only a few yards from the church. It looked […]