Ring Out, Wild Bells Alfred, Lord Tennyson Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Happy New Year! And, happy birth month to all you wonderful people who were born in January. Your birthstone […]
Ice That Will Bear Up a Duck?
You October people chose a wonderful month to be born. It’s a golden month, with the fragrance of apples and chrysanthemums, the time of harvest and tucking in of plants and insects readying for a winter’s sleep. Your birthstone is the fabled opal. Read about it. It has a fascinating history. And, of course, your […]
September Song
What is your favorite song of September? “Autumn Leaves”? “September in the Rain”? “September Song”? Do you find yourself humming or singing some of those tunes as the new month comes in? If this is your birth month, two lovely stones are yours: the sapphire and lapis lazuli. You can claim the bright aster and […]

June Bugs and Fireflies
·Are you a June Bug? If you’re one of those lucky people born this month, you’ve got a lot of good things going for you. First, there’s your birthstone–you have two of them! The pearl and the Alexandrite are yours. Flowers? Also two–the rose and the honeysuckle. So, you’re bright and shiny, have infinite value, […]