What is there about springtime that is new each year? I’ve seen quite a few springs, but every new one seems like the first one, and I’m excited to see the flowers and feel the warmth of the sun. Yesterday was a perfect spring day. My family gifted me with a brand new flower garden, […]

Today would have been my mother, Susie Latty Day’s, birthday and if she were here, I’d bake her favorite dessert–lemon pie. The lilac bush at her house in Tahlequah is blooming now and that’s fitting because she loved lilacs. In fact, when she was sixteen, her dear Aunt Ettie, Tettle, she called […]
Sisters Are Forever
When the jonquils bloom in the spring, I think of her–my sister Helen. Maybe it’s because of her March birthday, maybe it’s because those first flowers are so welcome after winter and are such a cheerful sight. My sister was a cheerful, upbeat, lovely person. Some people make the world a better place simply by being. […]

Getting Older
A few decades back, in Cherokee County, in a small house atop one of those beautiful Oklahoma hills, while rain poured and lightning flashed, I made my appearance into the world. And, true to form, we have rain again today, to celebrate my birthday. Actually, I don’t feel all that much older, but as I […]

Happy Birthday, Mama
Today, April 12 is my mother, Susie Latty Day’s birthday. Mom has been gone for nearly twenty-two years now and there isn’t a day when I don’t miss her. I’d love to sit down at her dining table for just one more cup of coffee, just one more chat. Many times, I wonder what my […]

And What Is So Rare As a Day in June?
·Then, if ever, come perfect days…Yesterday was one of those rare, perfect days spoken of in the poem by James Russell Lowell. The weather was perfect and that set the tone for the day. I sat on the deck and began reading again, for the third or fourth time, The Red Lamp by Mary Roberts […]