
Wildlife Six squirrels, some robins, a rabbit or two— My backyard resembles a varied wildlife zoo. Snowbirds, titmice, cardinals, and doves— Lots of pretty feathered friends that everybody loves. But, wait! What is the matter with this pushing, scolding pair? Those rude and raucous bluejays are not inclined to share. The jays are bright and […]

Squirrel Problem

Squirrel Problem

I like squirrels as much as anybody…or, maybe I don’t. I think they’re cute, entertaining, energetic, and fun to watch. However, I’ve also found them to be destructive and pretty much gluttons. They are not given to sharing. Which brings me to the subject at hand. At least six squirrels inhabit my back yard and […]

The Secrets in the Summer Twilight

The Secrets in the Summer Twilight

  What is there about a soft, summer night, just after the sun goes down and before full darkness tiptoes through the town? Leaves stir with a passing breeze and flowers lift glistening blossoms to feel one last ray of the sun’s warmth.  The rabbit who lives under the storage building gives last minute instructions […]

Idling Into Thursday

Idling Into Thursday

A person’s thoughts are never really idle–disconnected, maybe, scattered here and there. That’s what mine are this morning. I look out at my wet, soggy ground and wonder if I’ll have a chance to get the last of my herbs planted today. Yesterday was a wild weather day. Wind lashed the trees and rain poured […]

Welcome to a Wet, Soggy World

Welcome to a Wet, Soggy World

The picture of the mother robin and babies isn’t mine, but it might as well be. The nest is on a brick ledge like mine and the mama and her babies look exactly like the ones here at my house. The babies have hatched! The weeks of sitting on those eggs and keeping them warm […]

A Home of Sticks

A Home of Sticks

She sits on her little nest of sticks and feathers and this and that. It’s sort of a hodge podge of building materials, but it suits her and it’s home to those tiny blue eggs she warms patiently, day and night. Robins’ nests aren’t known as architectural wonders. And, although they do their best, mama […]