Sunshine in My Pocket

Sunshine in My Pocket

Have you ever wished you could carry an emergency supply of sunshine in your pocket? You know, just enough to brighten the day when the clouds come? Or, carry some happiness left over from another time, to overcome any wayward feelings of sadness?  This morning is a bright, sunshiny day. A little frost whitens roofs […]

Dark and Drippy

Dark and Drippy

This is another dark, drippy day. The temperature is falling and the sky is metallic gray. It’s a “lights on in every room with fireplace going” kind of day. How many of you make New Year’s resolutions? I actually don’t. Oh, I may jot down a few goals in my journal and quite a few […]

Not Even a Whisper

Not Even a Whisper

There’s not even a whisper of a breeze this morning. When I stepped out on the deck, the boards under my feet felt warm. Everything is hushed and still, as if nature is holding its breath. The sun isn’t up yet, but the birds are. Blackbirds have sort of taken over my back yard. There’s […]

Spring’s Last Fling

Spring’s Last Fling

Do you know what today is? It’s the last day of spring 2020! Tomorrow, summer begins. So, we should celebrate, have a spring fling, throw a virtual party, or something. Me? Well, tomorrow and Sunday, I’ll celebrate summer’s arrival by offering one of the Darcy and Flora books free from Amazon! Watch for it. I’ve […]

A Perfect, Ordinary Day

A Perfect, Ordinary Day

Yesterday was a perfect, ordinary day. Today, I’m hoping will be the same. My friend Jane once said that ordinary days are the best days of all. I agree. I realize that there’s nothing ordinary about the virus fear that is gripping our nation and the world. We all long for the time when life […]

Rain and Dreams and Things

Rain and Dreams and Things

It’s raining this morning. The temperature is above freezing, so that’s good. Why does one dream? More particularly, why does one dream about a professor in college one hasn’t thought about for decades? Last night, Dr. Clayton, one of my business professor, was in my dream. I was talking to someone about, of all things, […]