A New Year

A New Year

To me, it seems that Easter should be the start of a new year, not January. Easter is a time of celebrating and gladness and, after Easter, we can expect spring to actually be here and warm weather a reality. The earth is renewed, new hope is born, after Easter. My neighbor’s tulip tree has […]

That Time of Year

That Time of Year

A redbird (cardinal) just lit in the crepe myrtle bush in front of my window. Yesterday, while I was sitting on the deck, a black-capped chickadee flew onto my head. He was there only briefly because I, startled, brushed my hand on my head. Birds are busy, busy, building nests, sitting on eggs, or taking […]

Lovely Morning

It’s such a lovely morning, above freezing, sunshine, flowers hesitantly starting to take a peek at the world. I wonder, on such a morning, why there’s turmoil and trouble and hatred anywhere?  At last, I can breathe a sigh of relief for the robins. When snow and ice covered the ground, those real-life early birds […]

The Hushed World

The Hushed World

It’s as if God has hushed the world with a blanket of white. Snow muffles sound and the only thing moving I can see are the birds, frantically pecking up sunflower seeds. All their other food is completely covered by inches of snow. The small evergreen by the front porch wears icicles in its branches […]

Just a Mite Chilly

It’s a little more than just a mite chilly here in NW Arkansas this morning. I think that fifteen degrees below zero must be a record. A friend, a Cozy Critter, in a near-by Arkansas town is even colder and that’s not counting wind chill. So, what’s happening? Has the great frozen North Pole moved […]

Mini Ice Age?

A memorable Presidents’ Day! Mr. Washington and Mr. Lincoln, I’m sure you were accustomed to cold winters with not nearly as many ways of staying warm as we have today. Bring out the fake-fur lined caps and coats and knee boots, mittens and mufflers. Light the fireplaces, mix the hot chocolate. The temperature is minus […]