As the sun slid westward last night, people began returning home from work. The cardinal family came to the bird feeders for a bit of supper, and those busy squirrels disappeared into their leafy houses. Another day had ended, and, though the world seemed dark, tomorrow would come. Maybe today the homeless man who was […]
Thoughts and Sifting Through
Do you ever wake up with a thought or a song running through your head? I do, quite often. It’s nice when those thoughts are positive, not so nice when they aren’t. What are they related to? Why do we have them? I don’t know the answers, but I wish I did. Spring inspires […]
The Day Before Easter
·Such a lovely, still morning. The greens are vibrant. Shadows cast by the morning sun are sleepy, soft shadows. A squirrel scurries across my neighbor’s drive, and a blue jay is on the hunt for breakfast. The azaleas by the front door are starting to bloom, as is the Iris. My deck is littered […]

The Mystery of a Small, Gray Cat
This morning, a small gray cat is slipping quietly through my thoughts. I think of her often, D. C., the cat who was with us the longest. She was actually my son’s cat, but she and I understood each other. She could look at me and communicate that she would like a bite of […]

Tragedy Under the Bird Feeder
It was a quiet, winter morning. The sun shone on juncos, bluejays, chickadees, cardinals, and finches pecking at sunflower seeds in and under the bird feeder that hung from the crepe myrtle bush. Nothing about the scene hinted that a tragedy was in the making. A blur of brown swooped into my field of […]

My Backyard in Winter
·My backyard in winter is not at all the same as it is in spring or summer, but it is far from being a barren, empty place. First, there are the winter birds. They know when sunflower seeds are in the feeder and they flock to snatch some of the oil-rich food before it is […]