As Christmas approaches, I think of Mary, the mother of Jesus. God entrusted her with the care of His Son. Mary was a special, wonderful person and a perfect example of the importance of motherhood. Examples of godly women are scattered throughout the Bible. The mother of King Hezekiah is one of those. Hezekiah’s father […]
Dec 5, 2022
Who Was His Mother?
Filed Under: Faith · Tagged: Abdi, Bible stories, factual stories, Hezekiah, influence, kings, Manos, Mary, mothers

Apr 18, 2020
Out of the Blue
Hope–that small word that keeps us going when things get rough. These are days like we’ve never seen before and sometimes, hope is hard to come by. But, just when we need it most, help comes. I love the Bible stories of encouragement and one of my favorites is found in II Samuel 9, the […]
Filed Under: Faith · Tagged: Bible, Bible stories, faith, help, hope, Jonathan, King David, Mephibosheth