She got up from the chair and walked to the mirror. A sagging, lined face topped with frizzy blond hair stared back at her. Old! That’s what the face was telling her. She was an old woman, over the hill, almost ready for the old folks’ home. Sighing, she turned from the mirror and went […]

Are Some Things
·Best Left Buried? This woman’s manner so rankled me that I had a tough time controlling my voice. “If the land is yours already, Eileen, do I need to deed it to you?” “Just to be sure there is no question farther on down the line, I think that might be a wise thing to […]
How Many in the Cemetery?
·Chapter 13 “That’s the area where Thurston was buried,” Abigail hissed. “Are you sure?” “It looks like it from here,” Abigail repeated. “Maybe they’re going to bury another body.” Abigail snorted. “Where is the body? In their sack?” “Well, it was a thought.” “Maybe, if we slip closer, […]

Deleted, Due to Overcrowding
Just think of it–when a person reaches my age, what a large amount of experiences and wisdom she has gained! Each marvelous bit finds a little nook or cranny in the brain and lodges there. Imagine this: a bookshelf over-flowing with knowledge, wisdom, trivia, know-how. Fairly boggles the mind, doesn’t it? I’d like to share this plethora […]