It looked to me like there could have been a light frost last night, at least, on the neighbor’s roofs. The cold front is supposed to arrive tomorrow. I just had a sobering thought. If the temperature really hits 28 degrees, will all these lovely, green leaves be killed and will the trees have to […]

A New Year
·To me, it seems that Easter should be the start of a new year, not January. Easter is a time of celebrating and gladness and, after Easter, we can expect spring to actually be here and warm weather a reality. The earth is renewed, new hope is born, after Easter. My neighbor’s tulip tree has […]
·No sounds break the frozen stillness of morning. Snow rims the dark limbs of trees, wintry patterns against a gray sky. A careful driver in a blue car eases down the icy street, his headlights a yellow swath in the darkness–a silent car on a silent street. But noises intrude. Coffee pot chuckles; furnace […]

An Early June Morning
·What is there about an early spring morning before the sun comes up, when the grass is soggy with yesterday’s rain? Everything is hushed and listening for the robin’s song and the dove’s call to announce a new beginning. Leaves are still except when the whisper of a breeze stirs them. The wonder of it […]

Reflections of Eden
·The rain stopped a few minutes ago, but the sky is still dark and I’m wondering if there’s more. When storms come, whether they be rain or wintry storms, I think about those who are homeless and wish better things for them–comfort and safety, a warm and dry place to be. I wish that […]

The Ghosts of Christmas Past
·Christmas 2018 is past; not even a trace remains–except, of course, the memories and the gifts. The tree is down, ornaments are boxed away. As Matt tackled the complex world of Word Press on my computer and got it back into its old, familiar, much more user-friendly format, Nathan and I took boxes to […]