A light rain is falling. I’m pretty sure it is raining in Ireland, too, where St. Patrick’s Day originated. While I was there, rain was sometimes hard but never stormy. Each day of my visit to Ireland is a memory I store away and bring out now and then, as I do this morning. Our […]

Early morning
·The early morning is peaceful and quiet, the moon serene and white in the sky and dawn only a promise away. Even the birds aren’t yet awake and I seem to be the only one up to enjoy it. How nice if I could keep that peace and beauty in my pocket today and just […]
Early Morning
·It’s such a wonderful early morning. The street is clear of snow but snow still carpets lawns and roofs. Winter trees stand out, black and brown against the white, their branches woven in intricate embroidery. All is quiet. Not a car, not a person in sight. Not even an early-rising squirrel. Contrasts–black on white, stillness […]

Springtime in Arkansas
The maple in my front yard has fresh green leaves–the tassels are still hanging on, but they’ll soon drop off, leaving those new leaves. The white mulberry is a little slower, but leaves are appearing on it too. My pin oak is yet in the tassel stage, usually being more hesitant, trying to make […]