Tomorrow is Sanctity of Life Sunday, begun by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. It is a day to commemorate the sacredness of human life and call attention to the many lives lost due to abortion. I am unashamedly pro-life. I believe I’ve heard all the arguments from pro-choice people. I don’t wish to hear more. […]

The Gift of Life
·This is Sanctity of Life Sunday. It is a day to commemorate the sacredness of human life and call attention to the many lives lost due to abortion. It was begun by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. I am unashamedly pro-life. I believe I’ve heard all the arguments from pro-choice people. I don’t wish to […]

I’ve thought quite a bit about my blog this morning and it would be so much easier not to write it, but, this is the Sunday set aside to consider the value of human life and I cannot ignore that. Many people won’t agree with me and that’s fine. However, I truly don’t want to […]
Welcome to the World
·We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. —— Today, I want to salute all the babies of this world, the tiny newborns, the helpless, innocent lives brought into […]

Possibilities in Two Tiny Hands
It has been a long time since my son was born, and even a lot of years since my grandchildren were born, but I still remember the anticipation as we waited to see whether we’d have a girl or a boy. Then, what would that child be, his special talents and likes and dislikes? This […]

Right Thing, Wrong Place
·Doing something really dumb is not always confined to the human race. Have you ever done the right thing but chosen the wrong place to do it? Sometimes we all goof, even our wild, feathered friends. Yesterday, I was checking out my water fountain and there, floating in the pool, was the broken shell of […]