Lucky you, if you have an October birthday. Your birthstone is an opal and your two flowers are marigold and cosmos. Cooler air is arriving right on time. It’s cooler this morning and maybe, just maybe, a first frost tonight? Brrr. Wasn’t it only yesterday that temps reached eighty degrees? Fall always puts me in […]
What’s in the Whisper?
·A cornfield at the end of summer with the wind moving through–a hundred whispers of dry, rustling stalks speaking to each other. They’ve felt the warmth of sun, held the golden, full ears of yellow corn, as they stood with tasseled heads erect, their roots deep in damp earth. They’ve known the farmer and his […]
This morning, I stooped down to pick up a something on the floor. It jumped! So did I. The “something” was actually a small, black cricket. This is cricket weather–one of the signs that fall is approaching and summer is winding down. There are other clues that autumn is waiting in the wings, ready to […]
A Worthy Ambition
·Yesterday, the afternoon stretched before me. It was one of those days that I didn’t really want to delve into anything that would require much concentration. In other words, I felt at loose ends. Then, a niggling, guilty thought intruded. I needed to get started cleaning out the garage, sorting through, throwing away, giving […]
Manos Meanderings
It’s my own fault that I’m feeling muddled and fuzzy-minded this morning. It was my dream, you see, and the dream was because of the book I’m reading. I’m enjoying Emily Brightwell’s newest cozy, Mrs. Jeffries and the Alms of the Angel. I have the bad habit of waking up during the wee, small hours, […]
Autumn Rain
·Autumn rain falls in the darkness of early morning. Leaves lift their thirsty heads, puddles form around the flowers, bowing under the downpour. There’s something special about autumn rain. It’s a tucking away of summer’s heat, sort of readying the earth for a new season. It is invigorating and lazy at the same time. It’s […]