The Cornfield in the Moonlight by Blanche Manos The cornfield in the moonlight, when the shadows dance and sway Is not the same at midnight as it is throughout the day. The field is hushed at midnight; the world has gone to sleep, But the cornstalks nod and rustle at the mysteries they keep. Who […]
Sign of Fall
·Migration High up in the sky last night, A promise winged its wedge-shaped flight; A promise of the seasons changing, Of nature’s landscape rearranging. Flying in a V formation, Looking for a new location, Wild geese flew through moonlit spaces Going to their winter places.
October and Its Mysteries
·You October people chose a wonderful month to be born. It’s a golden month, with the fragrance of apples and chrysanthemums, the time of harvest and tucking in of plants and insects readying for a winter’s sleep. Your birthstone is the fabled opal. Read about it. It has a fascinating history. And, of course, your […]
Magical September Rain
What is it about a gentle rain that is calming, soothing, and better than a lullaby for putting a person to sleep? Rain dripping from leaves and eaves, thunder rumbling softly in the distance; this is September, tucking the world in. Nighttime rain is comforting; daytime rain is exciting. Why? Children know. The ditch alongside […]

Puzzled as Puppies
·I was sitting on my deck this morning, watching yellow redbud leaves drift slowly down and I had a distinct urge to put those leaves back on the tree, saying, No, it’s not that time yet! I was reminded of the Little Golden Book, The Four Puppies. If you haven’t read that book, you’re missing […]