When My Mind Wanders Into Country

When My Mind Wanders Into Country

Do you ever feel caught up in a whirlwind, as if time is spinning past and you have no way of stopping it? To illustrate how quickly autumn is progressing toward winter, I made another picture of my maple. The top picture shows the way it looked only a few days ago. The bottom shows […]

Bright Moon, White Moon

The full moon shines a white path down my street this morning. What is there about moonlight that makes a familiar world appear mysterious? The lunar night-light is certainly the subject of many songs, poems, and stories, and inspired the title of my current mystery, the one I’m working on, called Moonlight Can Be Murder. Each […]

Squirrel Wisdom

Squirrel Wisdom

Yesterday, when I wrote about the rain and how it inspired me to bake chocolate chip cookies, a pie crust, and stir up some fudge, I was reminded of one of my favorite children’s books, Thunder Cake. Have any of you parents or grandparents or retired teachers ever read it to your children? When Sara was […]

Monday Morning Meanderings

Monday Morning Meanderings

This morning my thoughts are like the leaves that are beginning to fall here and there in my yard: one thought here, two or three over there, and when a wind blows through, scattering them in all different directions. It is dark this morning, of course, because I’ve gotten up before the sun yet again […]