Is the Sky Really Falling?

Is the Sky Really Falling?

The sky was a blue canopy arching over the thirsty flower beds. It was time to water my front yard plants. It has been a while since we’ve had rain and those flowers were looking pretty droopy. So, I grabbed my trusty garden hose and dragged it toward the oak and the marigolds, petunias, and […]

That Elusive Fragrance of Autumn

That Elusive Fragrance of Autumn

Have you noticed a new scent in the air, the smell of damp leaves, damp earth, nippy mornings and something else that can’t be defined? I call it the mysterious fragrance of autumn. November sweeps summer away and sets up residence with an invigorating sense of purpose, If you stayed up late last night watching election […]

Stormy Night and Autumn Hills

Stormy Night and Autumn Hills

The hills are putting on their autumn display of color. Muted russet, flaming scarlet, joyful yellow vie for beauty on the sloping hillsides between northwest Arkansas and northeast Oklahoma. It’s a beautiful drive, with the river on one side of the highway, the hills on the other. Earthy scents of damp leaves and soil slipped into the car. […]

Pensively Speaking

Pensively Speaking

This time of year sometimes brings on a bout of nostalgia, pensively speaking. One of my favorite poems, October’s Bright Blue Weather by Helen Hunt Jackson, describes the kind of weather we’ve been having lately. O sun and skies and flowers of June, Count all your boasts together, Love loveth best of all the year […]

Disappearing Into a Pile of Autumn Leaves

Disappearing Into a Pile of Autumn Leaves

Disappearing Into a Pile of Autumn Leaves Autumn is a nostalgic season, don’t you think? It’s a time of looking back at summer and realizing it has ended. Those flowers I cared for so lovingly will soon be a thing of the past. Times are changing, too, just like the seasons. I have a tendency […]

The Artistic Advance of Autumn

The Artistic Advance of Autumn

“Hear ye, hear ye! Summer has passed and autumn is here!” If I were a town crier, this would be my news this morning. Or, since I would be a crier with literary leanings, I might shout, “Autumn is here! Autumn books abound! Get yours today!” One of those books, available only since Monday, is […]