Yesterday, the wind was fierce all day. No, the temperature wasn’t cold. No, we didn’t have rain. Yes, we had clouds and wind. Lots of wind. I swept leaves from my deck but it did little good. Either they returned again because they are so fond of my deck, or some more turned loose from […]
Waltzing into Wednesday
·Waltzing–does anybody waltz any more? Does anyone go out for a dinner eaten by candlelight, accompanied by soft music, and dancing? Or, is that a part of the past, seen only in old black and white movies? From what I’ve seen of today’s dancing, I’d say the waltz is antiquated, a thing of yesterday, or […]
That Dark and Gloomy Autumn Day
·Yesterday, I admit the blues came skulking around and hovered over my shoulder. The temperature hovered too–in the mid-50s. Rain drizzled, the sky was gray, leaves fell from the trees, and shorter days with less sunshine was just a bit dreary, leaving no doubt about the season of the year. How to combat an approaching […]
Those Autumn Leaves of Red and Gold
·Something special to look for tomorrow–my guest blog will be on Southern Writers Magazine, Suite T. I’ll be sure to let you know when it’s there. Exciting! Yesterday was a “just getting out and enjoying autumn” kind of day. The leaves on my maples aren’t too pretty yet, but the ones on the ground are […]
Furry Friends and Thoughts of Fall
·The furry friend I’m talking about is Nemo. An ongoing mystery: why does he sit beside me when I’m at the computer, looking up at me hopefully, breathing his hot, aromatic breath on me, and staring at the black back-up box on the floor. He doesn’t want me sitting here. He dislikes this computer and […]
Ending of Summer, Beginning of Fall
This post from last year seems to be exactly what I’m feeling this morning. Summer’s Afterglow The melody of autumn is played on muted strings, A symphony of wind and trees, the song September sings. The rhythm of the autumn rain is somnolent and slow; From softened skies, a lullaby in summer’s afterglow. –Blanche Day […]