The sign of fall ending that I watch for each year–the white mulberry tree is dropping its leaves. The white mulberry by my driveway keeps most of its leaves while maple and oak leaves are falling. Oh, it sheds a few here and there. But, suddenly, one day something tells it that now is the […]
November Morning
It is really looking like fall this morning. The maples in front and back yards are almost bare of leaves. Those that are left are a pale orange against the backdrop of dark limbs. The yard is carpeted in those leaves and this morning, they are soggy. Yes! We’ve had more much-needed, wonderful rain. I’m […]

White Flies and Ladybugs
The maple in front of my living room window is alive with activity–a breeze blows the orange and green leaves and two squirrels are busily looking for tidbits to munch on. I wish their diet included these tiny, white bugs that are falling out of the trees. I suppose they are a part of autumn […]
A Morning Coffee Time
If they were people, I’d say they were getting together for an early morning cup of coffee and a chat. As they were birds, the coffee doesn’t quite apply and the chat wasn’t all that friendly. Each morning, around 7:30, birds come to my two bird baths in the front yard. This morning, the robins […]
Secrets of the Cornfield
The Cornfield in the Moonlight by Blanche Manos The cornfield in the moonlight, when the shadows dance and sway Is not the same at midnight as it is throughout the day. The field is hushed at midnight; the world has gone to sleep, But the cornstalks nod and rustle at the mysteries they keep. Who […]

September’s Song
It’s hard to believe that this is the last day of September! Do you suppose time is really passing faster? Has the earth speeded up in its spinning? Sometimes, it seems that way. The birds are becoming more active. Bluejays screech in the back yard and this morning, a small wren came to pay her […]