As a youngster, I learned many things from Nancy Drew besides what was on the pages of her books; I learned that Nancy was the kind of girl I would like to be. Nancy was a magnet who attracted mysteries. To anyone else, clocks were clocks and staircases were just staircases, but not to Nancy […]
A Knock on the Door
Another excerpt from my current work in progress: Chapter Four Sunday morning dawned bright and warm, as if the weather had no recollection of the dark, stormy time two days ago. Miss Tootsie sat down to a breakfast of ham and eggs, biscuits, and gravy. Sunday was a day of leisure and relaxation. With Cocoa […]
Cloud Animals
Dr. Fitzhugh Dodson, Ph.D. included my poem about clouds in his Give Your Child a Head Start in Reading, available on Amazon. Fluffy, friendly dragons float across the sky Shapes of whales and dinosaurs that swim and soar and fly. I like to watch the changing clouds, their shapes are fun to see, And as […]
Building a Mystery
As you know, the protagonist in the Ned McNeil full moon mysteries is interested in old houses and even joined a group in town called the Old Houses Club. A lovely old house in South Carolina was fascinating enough to include it in my book. I changed it a bit and didn’t mention its name. […]

The Race Car Driver
It was all Annabelle’s fault. I bear no responsibility for it. But, here we sat, Annabelle and I, on hard wood chairs in the sheriff’s office trying to explain our way out of an incredible mess. It didn’t help any that several red-faced, angry men lined the wall and their ferocious glares were all directed […]

Invaders of the Creepy Kind
Ants are on my cabinet, mosquitoes at the door; Summertime has come at last. Who could ask for more? I don’t know if they are coming in to escape the rain, or if the rain is causing them to multiply. Maybe each raindrop is a tiny capsule filled with baby mosquitoes and ants. Maybe they […]