Something wet dripped onto my face. Very annoying. Did Mom know her roof leaked? Dad would never have allowed such a thing. My bed must be under a hole in the roof. Strangely, someone somewhere, was groaning. Pain twisted my mid section. Slowly, I raised my heavy hands and felt the seat belt stretched tightly […]

A Downhill Flight

Misty Morning
Writer’s Psalm of Praise
If you haven’t tried writing your own Psalm of praise and thanksgiving, why not give it a try? It’s fun and what better pattern to emulate than the Book of Psalms? Bless the Lord, O my writing. May all my plots and characters praise the One who put the love of writing in my heart. The […]

Hidden Motives
Ned had been thrilled to think Evangeline Carver, the grand dame of the county, would call her to take pictures of the fabulous Carver mansion. She would get a chance to see inside that historic landmark and she’d get to talk to Evangeline herself. Truthfully, Ned may have been just a bit star struck. However, […]

The Author in the Oval Office
The first oval office for the first President of the United States was an oval tent at Valley Forge. Here, George Washington planned strategies for the eventual success of the Revolutionary War. He began writing long before this time, one of the first examples being a journal he kept when he was sixteen. Later accounts […]
Who’s On the Shelf?
Chapter 16 It wasn’t until the next day that Miss Georgia learned the whole story. Monroe, Abigail, and she sat in Miss Georgia’s kitchen with cups of hot tea on the table. Elmira snoozed in Miss Georgia’s lap. “So, did Smudge actually shoot poor Thurston?” Miss Georgia asked. “And, who was the other man, […]