Is this an age of enlightenment or a return to the Dark Ages? Hopefully, it is neither and probably I’m the only one in the whole world who would ask. A definition of the Dark Ages is “the time after the fall of the Roman Empire, marked by intellectual, economic, and cultural decline.” Whereas in […]

Attitude of Gratitude
·Did you ever feel like that–just an overflowing joy and gladness in the world as God made it? And the people God put into the world, the family and friends whom I have the privilege to love. I’m filled with gratitude for the readers of Darcy, Flora, Ned–the friends I’ve never met. May your Thanksgiving […]

What in the World Were You Thinking?
Thoughts–the invisible navigators that guide our days. It isn’t hard for negative, fearful thoughts to creep in, set up camp, and take over. Why is it that those things which make us feel depressed or angry or sad seem to be always at the door, ready to barge in without even an invitation? Scripture […]

Selling Yourself Short? Stop It!
·Nobody likes a know-it-all, somebody who is quite ready to tell others they are wrong or have forgotten or somehow, just don’t quite measure up. Those people are best steered clear of (and prayed for). But, what if that person who is so critical of myself is me? What if I’m always telling myself and […]