I would call zip lining over a pack of alligators a pretty daring deed but for Nancy and Rick, it was all a part of a Florida vacation. Much more to my liking would have been the glass-bottom boat ride that Nancy said was really fun. And, of course, true to being a cozy […]

Through the Morning Mist
·Cooler weather! Ah, how nice. Sure enough, yesterday, we had another really hard rain. I hope that everyone who needs rain is getting it, especially in California. The morning is very still, dark, and, somewhere out back, a dove is calling. He’s pretty insistent. But, a lot of the birds I heard in the […]

Got Any Giants?
·“Got any rivers you think are uncrossable? Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through? God specializes in things thought impossible. He can do things others cannot do.” –Author Unknown That little chorus is running through my mind this morning. Many of us learned […]

A Bright Snatch of Song
My niece Kim had an inspiring picture and quote on her Facebook page. I shared it on my own. A cardinal sits on a snowy pine. The caption is, “No matter what yesterday was like, birds always start the new day with a song.” I’ve noticed that, just by being who he is, no more and no […]

So, How Did the Story End?
·The nature show was about a mama bear waking up after a winter of hibernation. She had two cubs, so small they had a hard job following her when she left the cave. The snow was deep and the grown bear took off, leaving her babies to struggle along behind. They floundered and sank […]

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night
·It was indeed a dark and stormy night last night. Not once, not twice, but three times, the storms woke me. I should say they woke Nemo who then woke me. He has developed a sensitivity to storms that borders on panic. And, when panic takes over, there’s no reasoning with him. But, we made […]