February is just one of those months! It’s winter. It’s cold. Trees are bare. Grass looks like it has forgotten the word green. Of course, there are some bright spots–Presidents’ Day and Valentine’s Day and the dear old groundhog who’d probably still be sleeping if he weren’t pulled from his warm burrow to face […]

Keep the Cold From Creeping In

Looking Into the Face of Evil
Evil lived in the heart of someone in Ednalee. What does the face of evil look like, Ned wondered. Among those smiling faces at the luncheon, did a friendly countenance hide a dark heart? Was someone planning Bessiebelle’s death before the luncheon or did something there spur the murder? Did Bessiebelle herself bring on her […]

That Warm and Welcome Feeling of Friendship
People generally feel a need to belong to a group, to experience friendship. Who doesn’t like a warm welcome when we visit in a home? And, the more we visit, the more at ease we feel and the more we look forward to our next visit. It seems to me that’s why so many of […]

The Mostest Favoritest of All
Of the six cozy mysteries I’ve written, which is my favorite? Well, let me see now. The Cemetery Club was the first, the one that launched me from being a retired kindergarten teacher into authordom. My friend Barbara Burgess and I collaborated on it and that was fun, especially since it involved spooky stuff like […]

So That’s How It Went
Wednesday: Smack Dab in the Middle–of the week, that is, and the day for another Cozy Critique. Although Jane and Peg were absent for reasons far beyond their control, they do plan to be with us next time. Nancy and Helen came and Helen brought a guest, Kaye. Kaye has been with us once before. […]

It Could Have Been Worse
I’ve noticed of late that a certain phrase has become a standard part of my vocabulary. I used it this morning when I saw from the news report that last night’s blizzard in the Northeast, although bad enough, was not quite as fierce as had been predicted. When I looked at last month’s gas bill, […]