This is a soggy morning after a rip-roarin’ wet night (or was it in the wee, small hours of the morning?) The eaves are dripping, the wet pavement glistens, and in the back yard, a cardinal enjoys a quiet breakfast, unhampered by squirrels. Yesterday, I hung my new squirrel-proof bird feeder and it works! The […]
It’s No Joke
It’s no joke–we are actually into another brand-new month. I’m not sure where March went–perhaps it was blown away on one of those blustery winds. April is a wonderful month. April people, you have a great gemstone–the diamond. Next to a cozy mystery, a diamond may be a girl’s best friend! April’s special flowers are […]

No April Fool’s Joke
·April is a wonderful month and it’s especially welcome after the wild ending to March yesterday. April people, you have a great gemstone–the diamond. Next to a cozy mystery, a diamond may be a girl’s best friend! April’s special flowers are the daisy and the sweet pea. If it thunders on April Fool’s Day, […]

Just That Sort of Morning
·It’s an Ireland kind of morning. Cool and damp. Only, our dampness is due to a thunderstorm in the wee, small hours this morning. I never experienced a thunderstorm in Ireland, but then, I was there for only a week. It is, however, cool and damp there much of the time. Another difference is that […]
A Special Birthday
Today, April 12, is my mother, Susie Latty Day’s birthday. Mom has been gone for nearly twenty-five years now and there isn’t a day when I don’t miss her. I’d love to sit down at her dining table for just one more cup of coffee, just one more chat. Many times, I wonder what my […]