The Cat Who Helped Make History

This is Flag Day. In honor of that, I reprint my story about Tempest, the cat who helped make history.   Star Spangled Cat By Blanche Day Manos “What?” I screeched. “Go to sea? Are you crazy?” Every one of my gray and white hairs stood straight up. Reggie laughed. “You look like a bottle […]

Meandering Thoughts on Animals

Meandering Thoughts on Animals

It’s fun to notice the behavior of animals and wonder just how much they know. In looking back at a past post, I found this from my neighbor Peg: She was watering a lilac bush and she noticed a hummingbird flying in the spray. Afraid that the force of the water would hurt the fragile […]

The Staying Barn

One spring day many years ago, a farmer decided to build a fine log barn. First, he gathered large stones. He chipped and fitted them together for a firm foundation. The farmer cut many trees, chopped off limbs, and smoothed the trunks. Notch and groove, groove and notch, the logs rose straight and true atop […]

Scattered Thoughts

Scattered Thoughts

This morning, the world is green and peaceful. Birds are busy looking for bugs. A squirrel chases a bluejay up the maple tree. Sunlight warms treetops. Nature is at rest this morning. Yesterday, parts of Arkansas south of here and parts of Oklahoma were bombarded with giant-sized hailstones which did a lot of damage. All […]

Keyboard Phobia

Keyboard Phobia

It is very hard to write when someone is staring at me. Where is the mystery-loving dog who is supposed to be a warm companion as I spin spooky tales of terror? But, no. He stares. Nemo does not like the computer. Is Nemo a victim of  Logizomechanophobia, computer phobia, or is he trying to tell […]

What Was That Thing?

What Was That Thing?

The Canebrake Don’t ever go into the canebrake at night When the wind is wild and the moon shines bright. When the birds are still and the river moans, And the cane stalks rattle like old, dry bones. You might encounter an Anjeofust, A strange, weird critter the color of dust, Or a Benleeb or […]