Food is good. Enjoy it. Any time is a good time for a nap. If you don’t catch a squirrel today, there’s always tomorrow. A short walk restores the soul. Sniff everybody; if they smell Ok, they’re a friend. Things that can’t be avoided are best dealt with graciously. (No snapping or growling.) […]
Weather Predictions
As I stepped out on the deck this morning, I heard a frog singing away. Aha! A predictor of rain. Of course, the frog had a pretty good clue, as it was already sprinkling. Do you like to look for weather predictors in nature or animals? Persimmons will soon be ripe. It’s best to wait […]
What’s In the Canebreak?
Canebreak ABC’s Red ants, black ants marching all together, through a canebreak by the river in the lovely summer weather. Many-colored butterflies drift or dream or flit among tall stalks for the very fun of it. A caterpillar wriggles and a cricket creaks a song, surrounded by the river cane, thick and green and long. Dragonflies a-dazzle with […]
An Earful
·Life with Nemo is a learning situation. He is basically a very healthy little guy but, having said that, he has become well acquainted with his favorite veterinarian throughout his long life. Yesterday was another visit to the clinic. When I got back from a short out of town trip Saturday, I noticed Nemo’s right […]
Learning Time
School has started in my neck of the woods–children and teachers returning to fresh adventures, seeing old friends and making new ones. Hopefully, this will be a fun-filled, safe year for all. I wondered, as I looked out at bird baths this morning, if birds need to learn bird-things from their parents, or if it […]