There was life Before Kittens and there is Life After Kittens. My son, daughter-in-law and grandson decided something was lacking in their lives and that something was a kitten. As it happened, a friend was looking for a home for a little stray who had popped unexpectedly into their truck and, at great peril, had […]

September’s Song
It’s hard to believe that this is the last day of September! Do you suppose time is really passing faster? Has the earth speeded up in its spinning? Sometimes, it seems that way. The birds are becoming more active. Bluejays screech in the back yard and this morning, a small wren came to pay her […]
The Mysteries of the Summer Night
There’s a mystery about the soft, summer night, just after the sun goes down, before full darkness tiptoes through. Leaves stir with a passing breeze and flowers lift their heads to feel one last ray of the sun’s warmth. The rabbit who lives under my storage building gives last minute instructions to her nest of […]

Bea, the Lucky Kitten
She has to have a guardian angel whose specialty is looking after homeless waifs. No one knows where she actually came from, so I’ll start by telling what we do know. A dear friend of mine first became aware of her on a drive into Tahlequah when she and her daughter heard a kitten mewing. […]
The Old Oak
A large oak stands in front of the house. It is so tall and its limbs spread so wide that anyone standing under it during a rain is sheltered, as if by a giant umbrella. The tree is old and has seen many changes. A busy street a few feet away was once a dirt […]
When Courage is a Must
This is another rainy morning and earlier, it was a rainy, stormy morning with thunder booming around the clouds. My pal Nemo the Furry One is not a fan of storms. Since his hearing is almost non-existent, he isn’t afraid of those loud sounds any more, but I’m convinced that he feels atmospheric change or […]